1. My sister in law hosted a baby shower for me this past Saturday, and it was great. We had all of the sisters in law there who live here and close friends who all know what it has taken to get to this point. There was a lot of reflecting on how long it's been and how excited everyone is to meet this baby. And, of course, there were lots of much-needed gifts! Most importantly, we received the car seat and BOB stroller. Big ticket items that I was glad were given to us and we didn't have to purchase.
2. After the shower, I headed down to our local natural parenting shop where they sell cloth diapers and diapering accessories. There was a meet the local doulas event going on, and I knew they were giving away several door prizes, including a gift certificate to the shop. I wanted to win that gift certificate, and lo and behold, I did! Yeah! It was only for $35, but hey, that pays for a couple of diapers. :)
3. In installed the car seat just a little while ago, and I've got the base so tight that the end that is close to the front passenger seat is raising up. Anyone know if that's ok? I emailed the local police station to see if I can swing by for an inspection, so hopefully I can just have someone take a look at it and put my mind at ease.
4. I finished the knitted baby "cocoon" and matching hat that I have been working on. Phew! Finally! That was a long project! Now I'm on to knitting a pair of felted booties.
5. Emotions are getting the better part of me. Last week at childbirth classes, we watched video of women in labor and babies being born, and I just about broke down and bawled when the babies were born. It brought me to thinking about how happy I'm going to feel when we finally meet our baby that we have been waiting for and trying for for so long. I just know I'm going to be a sobbing mess when we meet him/her.
6. I'm kind of feeling overwhelmed by all of the baby "stuff." I am the most anti-clutter person ever, and having all this extra "stuff" is starting to kind of stress me. And we didn't go overboard with stuff. I really tried to think of what was really needed. I suppose I can start goodwilling stuff as the baby outgrows it, or put it in the attic for the next baby.
7. This is not baby related, but I'm excited about the new Rev.ol.ution show. The first episode was not as great as I had hoped, but I love the idea of this show. I wish that the first few episodes would go more into what happened in the first days and weeks after the event, rather than starting with 15 years out after everyone's settled into their routines. Maybe we will see more in flashbacks. Anybody else excited about this show? I think it will be like the new Lo.st for me. Can't wait for tonight's episode!