Thursday, February 28, 2013

Today we are orphaned

Today, Papa steps down and we are left fatherless.  As one with abandonment issues, I feel abandoned and orphaned.  But, God knew I would feel that way and put it in his divine plan that this very day my bff/godmother would fly all the way from Atlanta to come visit me.  I cannot wait to see her beautiful face when I pick her up at the airport this evening.  Thank you, Jesus.  You know me so well.

Friday, February 15, 2013


This week I received a letter in the mail from a fertility center that we once sought treatment from (where they told us we had a 3% chance of ever having a baby unless we did IVF and ICSI), urging us to oppose the Sanctity of Human Life Act.  Can you believe that?!  I was so appalled and shocked and miffed by it.  I want to write back explaining the value of human life and why an "embryo" is indeed a human being, which they as medical professionals should kno, and also to explain that they can actually help people better through Napro, and how we had a baby without their immoral help.  I just don't know where to begin.  And, the knee jerk responsiveness in me just wants to write back, "You suck."  I need to take some time to collect myself and write back.  Grrrrr!